A limited amount of folding chairs are provided. Guests are welcome to bring in their own chairs.
For guests visiting our facility – please note the following restrictions apply:
•NO Alcohol
•NO Smoking nor Vaping indoors and not within 100-feet of any outdoor entrance
•NO Weapons
•NO Guests Without Shoes or Shirt
•NO Unruly Patrons (will be asked to leave if warnings are not adheared to)
•NO Glass Containers
•NO Illegal Drugs or Substances or Underage Vaping
•NO Flammable Liquids, Aerosol Cans, or Permanent Markers
•NO Laser Pointers, Balloons, Projectiles, Flares, or Fireworks
•NO Noise Making Devices (i.e. Air Horns, cow bells, etc.)
•NO Clothing, garments, or signs displaying explicit language, profanity, or derogatory characterization toward any person(s)
•NO Drones (without prior written consent from Facility Management)
•NO Animals or Pets (accommodations made for trained, harnessed, and housebroken service animals)
•NO Unapproved Pamphlets, Handouts, Ads, or Flyers without prior consent from Facility Management
•NO Signs, Flags, or Banners exceeding 18” x 24” or attached to a pole/stick. Signs must be relevant to event. Signs may not contain or display obscene or offensive language and/or pictures as determined by Facility Management. Management reserves the right to prohibit or remove a sign or banner at any time.
Concessions/Vending will be offered.